Sunday, February 15, 2015

It is what it is.

I promised myself I'd be writing more, and I haven't been. I don't really have anything to say, I guess. Actually, just not when I sit down to write. That's when I seem to lack things to say. Driving home in the car, driving to work, in the shower, as I'm drifting to sleep, I think of a million things that might be interesting. I think of shit I'd like to speak on or just share my opinion (even if nobody else gives a shit). But then I actually have time to do some writing and... NOTHING. Diarrhea. That's it.

With that in mind, I think I'll write something just to write something. A nice, stupid, short, little poem. Just to stimulate the creative cells, I reckon. Here goes nothing.

It be what it be.
No simpler a phrase could sum it all up.
It be what it be.
Don't bother giving a fuck.
It be what it be.
No use in trying to change.
It be what it be be.
You're stuck being weird, ugly, strange.

It be what it be.
Take comfort in the constant.
It be what it be.
You can't make sense out of pure nonsense.
It be what it be.
Your life is shit, so just accept it.
It be what it be.
Leave it unguarded, no need for protection.

It be what it be.
Give up, don't fight it, defeat is relentless.
It be what it be.
You'll never win, so why stress?
It be what it be,
Accept your loss and pick up what pieces you can find.
It be what it be.
Just move on and stop wasting your time.

It be what it be.